Meet Our Campus Minister

Rev. Ryan G. Spurrier
Campus Minister & Executive Director
Welcome to Wesley, a community seeking to help each other hear God's voice and grow into the women and men God is calling us to be. Since arriving at Carolina in the summer of 2015, I have loved being part of this dynamic group striving to grow in faith and live faithfully in Chapel Hill--and all the places we go on retreats and mission trips. I am an elder in the United Methodist Church, and before UNC, I served as an associate pastor in North Augusta and Greenwood, SC. Before that, I earned a B.S. in Math from Clemson and a Master's of Divinity from Duke Divinity School (but don't worry, I am a Tar Heel!). When not at Wesley, I love working out, playing ultimate Frisbee and baseball, and being a dad (my wife, Kyrsten, and I are parents to the two coolest little boys we've ever met).