Freshley: Your First-Year Experience at Wesley
Wednesdays, 8-9:30 PM, Wesley Building (201 E. Rosemary St).
Freshley is all about helping you find your place in God’s story, at Carolina, and in Wesley. Each week will begin with ice breakers and games to help you meet other first-years, and then the Freshley Team will lead a small group time to connect Scripture to your life as a first-year student.
Have a lab on Wednesdays? Please come after! Can't make it the first week? Please come next week!
Want a Freshley leader to reach out to you? Use This Form!
Have a lab on Wednesdays? Please come after! Can't make it the first week? Please come next week!
Want a Freshley leader to reach out to you? Use This Form!

When is Freshley
Freshley is on Wednesdays, 8:00-9:30 PM, beginning August 28!
If you have a late lab, please come after. We designed Freshley so you won't be interrupting if you come after lab. Seriously. We promise. Please come.
If you can't make it on the 8/28, we would love to have you come on future weeks!
If you have a late lab, please come after. We designed Freshley so you won't be interrupting if you come after lab. Seriously. We promise. Please come.
If you can't make it on the 8/28, we would love to have you come on future weeks!
Where is Freshley
Freshley is in our Wesley Building, 201 E. Rosemary St (the yellow building on the corner of Rosemary and Henderson Streets, one block off campus).
Meet the Freshley team.
Our Freshley Team is so excited to welcome you to campus, help you grow in your faith and have the best year possible at UNC!

Grace Harrison
Freshley Group Leader
Coffee Connoisseur
Sophomore studying Psychology and Human Development and Family Science
Freshley offered me a much-needed escape from an academic environment that could feel overwhelming at times. I appreciated all the people that made Freshley such a welcoming space during my time as a First-Year!

Julia Panknin
Freshley Group Leader
Most Likely to Store Food in the Wesley Freezer
Junior Studying Business Administration, Economics, and Sustainability Studies
I love Freshley because it gave me so many kind, familiar faces on campus when starting as a first year.
Raven Poindexter
Freshley Group Leader
Crafting Extraordinaire
Sophomore studying Biology and Medical Anthropology
I love Freshley because it gave me the opportunity as a First-Year to form connections at a time when I was very unsure of my place at Carolina. Freshley gave me something to look forward to each week and a welcoming environment to talk to others about struggles and experiencing God even when life gets busy.

Kerrington Bostick
Freshley Coordinator
Lover of Lip Syncing
Junior Studying Journalism and Global Cinema
I love being a part of Wesley because it has become my home away from home and they always have the best snacks!

Grayson Edwards
Freshley Coordinator
Energetic Ice Cream Lover
Junior Studying Human Development and Family Studies with a Minor in Speech and Hearing Sciences
I am a part of Wesley because it helped to connect me with a strong Christian community while being here at UNC- Chapel Hill!