2024 Fall Retreat, Nov. 8-10, Mount Shepherd Retreat Center

**The registration deadline has passed. If you forgot to sign-up or your situation has changed and you would like to go on retreat, e-mail Campus Minister Ryan Spurrier (ryan@uncwesley.org). If we can get you a bed and a space in a car, we'll add you to the trip!
We're headed to Mt. Shepherd Retreat Center in Asheboro for a weekend of making friends and building community while searching for God in the Psalms!
We'll explore how the Psalms speak life into our lives (in the best of times and the not so best of times), while also spending time in worship and at play, with a bunch of fun activities!
We'll leave after class on Friday, and have different cars leaving at different times so that you can still come even if you have afternoon/evening classes. We'll have you back to campus by early afternoon on Sunday to finish up any homework you have.
Cost is $45 and includes your transportation, meals, lodging, and trip t-shirt!
*Scholarships are available if the cost would be hardship for you. Contact Campus Minister Ryan Spurrier. For real, we won't let cost be the reason you can't go.
We'll explore how the Psalms speak life into our lives (in the best of times and the not so best of times), while also spending time in worship and at play, with a bunch of fun activities!
We'll leave after class on Friday, and have different cars leaving at different times so that you can still come even if you have afternoon/evening classes. We'll have you back to campus by early afternoon on Sunday to finish up any homework you have.
Cost is $45 and includes your transportation, meals, lodging, and trip t-shirt!
*Scholarships are available if the cost would be hardship for you. Contact Campus Minister Ryan Spurrier. For real, we won't let cost be the reason you can't go.
We'll have two types of lodging you can choose from:
The Bethlehem Cottage has dorm style accommodations, with bunkbeds, six beds per room, and a bathroom attached to each room. Much of our programming will be in this building.
The Cabins are more like camping. They have A/C and heat, bunkbeds with nine beds per cabin, and you use an outside bathhouse. These are located a leisurely walk from the Bethlehem Cottage.
You can select your preferred lodging when you sign-up.
The Cabins are more like camping. They have A/C and heat, bunkbeds with nine beds per cabin, and you use an outside bathhouse. These are located a leisurely walk from the Bethlehem Cottage.
You can select your preferred lodging when you sign-up.

The Bethlehem Cottage

The Cabins

Last Year's Fall Retreat