Fall Break Mission Experience
Registration has closed. E-mail Ryan if you would still like to participate.
Tuesday October 17 - Sunday October 22
You can participate for selected days, or the whole time. As much as you're able. It's up to you!
Who is coming:
Our friends from Iglesia Metodista Obispo Francis Asbury in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. We visit them every Spring Break.
This will be their first time visiting us!
What we're doing:
A mix of mission projects and cultural events. Our friends are excited to experience the culture of NC and Methodism in the state. If you have ideas of things we should do to really experience Chapel Hill and the Triangle, you can list those on the Sign-Up Form.
You can participate for selected days, or the whole time. As much as you're able. It's up to you!
Who is coming:
Our friends from Iglesia Metodista Obispo Francis Asbury in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. We visit them every Spring Break.
This will be their first time visiting us!
What we're doing:
A mix of mission projects and cultural events. Our friends are excited to experience the culture of NC and Methodism in the state. If you have ideas of things we should do to really experience Chapel Hill and the Triangle, you can list those on the Sign-Up Form.

How much does it cost:
Each day you participate has a suggested donation to help offset the cost of the experience (mainly your food cost). E-mail Ryan if you want to participate but the cost would be a hardship.
Ways to Participate:
Every day has a different way to participate:
Tuesday, October 17th: Fiesta Carolina, 6:30 PM in the Wesley Building ($0 for Students, $15 for Alumni/Friends)
It's our turn to throw IMOFA a big party and showcase our NC culture. We'll gather with our friends from IMOFA, current students, and alumni from our Puerto Rico trips. If you're musical, dance, do poetry, etc, there will be ways to share your gifts as we share our culture. Note these gifts on the sign-up form.
Wednesday, October 18th: Dinner at Union Grove UMC, 6:00 PM ($5 to Cover Your Meal)
Our guests want to learn about the culture of the United Methodist Church, and so, we're going to Union Grove for their Wednesday Night supper. This is the church, nestled in Orange County's dairy country, that hosted our retreat days during COVID. **Earlier in the day we're taking IMOFA to Duke Divinity School. If you don't have class and want to come along, e-mail Ryan.
Thursday, October 19th: Mission Projects with Iglesia La Semilla in Durham, Evening TBD ($20 to help cover costs)
We will be partnering with Iglesia La Semilla, a Spanish-speaking church plant in Durham with their meal distribution in the morning from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, learning about the church over lunch, and helping with other projects throughout the afternoon. Evening events, TBD.
Friday, October 20th: Mission Projects TBD ($20 to help cover costs)
This will be a day of service at Camp Chestnut Ridge (similar to our day of service at the camp in Puerto Rico). Evening events, TBD
Saturday, October 21th: Morning Mission Work at Duke Memorial UMC followed by UVA Football Game and Tailgate ($10 to help cover costs)
We will volunteer at Duke Memorial's "Mobile Market," sharing groceries with the community from 9-11 AM and grab lunch in Durham. An the afternoon we'll have a tailgate at 4:30 PM on the front lawn of University UMC before heading to the game.
Sunday, October 22nd: Morning Worship, Afternoon Walk, Wesley Dinner and Worship ($10 if you're eating lunch after worship, $0 for the walk, Wesley Dinner & Worship)
We'll be going to the 9 AM worship service at Orange UMC followed by Sunday School and a Brunch. At 1 PM, we'll be walking the Pumpkin Loop with Pastor Kori from Orange UMC. Afterwards, Rafy is cooking us our Wesley Dinner and Pastora Vydech'ka is preaching at Wesley Worship. The meal starts at 6:30 PM at University UMC.
More details about each day will be posted in the Wesley App as we get closer to the Mission Experience, and we'll e-mail you more details about the days you sign up for!
Each day you participate has a suggested donation to help offset the cost of the experience (mainly your food cost). E-mail Ryan if you want to participate but the cost would be a hardship.
Ways to Participate:
Every day has a different way to participate:
Tuesday, October 17th: Fiesta Carolina, 6:30 PM in the Wesley Building ($0 for Students, $15 for Alumni/Friends)
It's our turn to throw IMOFA a big party and showcase our NC culture. We'll gather with our friends from IMOFA, current students, and alumni from our Puerto Rico trips. If you're musical, dance, do poetry, etc, there will be ways to share your gifts as we share our culture. Note these gifts on the sign-up form.
Wednesday, October 18th: Dinner at Union Grove UMC, 6:00 PM ($5 to Cover Your Meal)
Our guests want to learn about the culture of the United Methodist Church, and so, we're going to Union Grove for their Wednesday Night supper. This is the church, nestled in Orange County's dairy country, that hosted our retreat days during COVID. **Earlier in the day we're taking IMOFA to Duke Divinity School. If you don't have class and want to come along, e-mail Ryan.
Thursday, October 19th: Mission Projects with Iglesia La Semilla in Durham, Evening TBD ($20 to help cover costs)
We will be partnering with Iglesia La Semilla, a Spanish-speaking church plant in Durham with their meal distribution in the morning from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, learning about the church over lunch, and helping with other projects throughout the afternoon. Evening events, TBD.
Friday, October 20th: Mission Projects TBD ($20 to help cover costs)
This will be a day of service at Camp Chestnut Ridge (similar to our day of service at the camp in Puerto Rico). Evening events, TBD
Saturday, October 21th: Morning Mission Work at Duke Memorial UMC followed by UVA Football Game and Tailgate ($10 to help cover costs)
We will volunteer at Duke Memorial's "Mobile Market," sharing groceries with the community from 9-11 AM and grab lunch in Durham. An the afternoon we'll have a tailgate at 4:30 PM on the front lawn of University UMC before heading to the game.
Sunday, October 22nd: Morning Worship, Afternoon Walk, Wesley Dinner and Worship ($10 if you're eating lunch after worship, $0 for the walk, Wesley Dinner & Worship)
We'll be going to the 9 AM worship service at Orange UMC followed by Sunday School and a Brunch. At 1 PM, we'll be walking the Pumpkin Loop with Pastor Kori from Orange UMC. Afterwards, Rafy is cooking us our Wesley Dinner and Pastora Vydech'ka is preaching at Wesley Worship. The meal starts at 6:30 PM at University UMC.
More details about each day will be posted in the Wesley App as we get closer to the Mission Experience, and we'll e-mail you more details about the days you sign up for!