Come To The River

Come to the water all who are thirsty
Come and drink
Come to the table all who are hungry
Come and feast
Those who are weary those who are needy
Come receive
Come to the River come to the River
Taste and see

Oh Oh my soul thirsts for You
And You alone

I will taste and see that You are good
I will taste and see that You are good
I will taste and see that You are good
You're good to me

CCLI Song # 7036614
David Dalton | Nate Moore | Pat Barrett | Tony Brown
  • © 2013 Bethel Worship Publishing (Admin. by Bethel Music Publishing)
  • Mouth Of The River Music (Admin. by Bethel Music Publishing)
  • Tony Brown Music Designee (Admin. by Bethel Music Publishing)
  • Capitol CMG Genesis (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
  • Housefires Sounds (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
  • Dalton, David
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 11169292